Printable Holiday Bingo Cards

Holiday Bingo cards are typically colorful and bright with common Christmas color combinations like red and green or blue and silver. Make your Christmas Bingo cards stand out and bring cheer with a few simple printing tips and tricks. Make sure the printer has plenty of colored ink before printing. Victor Delgadillo November 22, 2020 Free Christmas bingo cards printable in PDF 2020-11-22T12:40:23-05:00 christmas, holiday Are you looking for free printable Christmas bingo cards? Find here the cutest, most Christmassy design to start playing at home with your friends and family.

It’s coming.

Winter is coming. But unfortunately, I’m not talking Game of Thrones right now. No matter what holiday(s) you celebrate, your kids are about to be home for a brief (or long) period of time for winter break. You love these little boogers you’ve created, but speaking honestly here, winter break is the dread of many parents.

  • Day 1 – Everyone is happy.
  • Day 2 – Everyone is mostly happy.
  • Day 3 – Someone is having a meltdown.
  • Day 4 – Mom is ready to send them back.

And typically mom only reaches Day 4 with wine involved on the previous three days.

Your typically quite house between the hours of 8-3(ish) are now run amok with children screaming for you for really no reason. You block them out until you finally scream, “WHAT!” only for them to say they don’t need anything they can’t do for themselves. WOO SAAAAAA mamas and papas.

And if you homeschool like us, then nothing is different, it’s just another day that ends in -y where you end the day pulling your hair out, wondering if you should just send them off to a physical school building somewhere.

Printable christmas bingo cards for 25

But I digress.

We’re here to help!

We’ve created this Holiday Bingo card printable for you to have a fun activity to do with the kids or if you have older children, for them to play together. You can grab a laminator (Just $16.99 at time of publishing) and pom poms to make sure it lasts for a long time and is able to be reused over and over again.

Printable Winter Bingo Cards

Our bingo card is super easy to make and design if you’d like to make or do one yourself. You can watch this video on how we made our Holiday Bingo Card printable if you’d like to learn how to make your own using the PicMonkey Royale features.

Printable Holiday Bingo Cards Free

Also you can see us playing the game here!

Grab your own printable by clicking here for Version 1 and Version 2! After printing, laminate them. Print out an extra board, laminate it, and then cut out the pieces for play pieces. Keep them in a small container so pieces don’t get lost.

We’d love to see you playing, upload a picture to our Facebook page so we can see!

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